From detailed roof condition and leak detection reports to proactive maintenance and full roof replacements, we ensure your properties are well-maintained and tenants are satisfied. Our team operates flexibly, accommodating works outside normal hours to minimize disruption to tenants and ensure efficient project completion.
Tired of tenant complaints about roof leaks? Ascent Building Solutions offers cost-effective solutions to resolve roofing issues promptly and effectively. Whether it's preventative maintenance or urgent repairs, trust us to deliver reliable, value-driven outcomes for your real estate portfolio.
Key Services:
Regular roof inspections should be conducted annually, or after severe weather events, to identify issues early and prevent costly damage.
We offer a range of services including roof repairs, re-sealing of roof penetrations, and replacement of damaged roof components.
Certainly! The Queensland Transport building in Nambour faced significant leak issues despite attempts by several contractors to rectify them. Ascent Building Solutions diagnosed the problem—faulty apron flashings—and replaced them with new Zincalume flashings, resolving the leaks effectively and providing a value-for-money solution.